SSH to the host and perform the following command: esxli software sources profile list -d /vmfs/volumes/ / esxcli software sources profile list -d /vmfs/volumes/nfs01/ISO/ this example I use the “nfs01” datastore Copy to VMware ESXI offline bundle to a datastore with enough space available.So the steps when upgrading a standalone ESXi host are: William explains the commands in his blog found here, link. The correct command to upgrade an ESXI host is: esxcli software profile update. William Lam and the VMware support team discovered quickly that we used the wrong esxcli update command ( esxcli software vib update). Update May 16, 2020: Jeffrey Kusters experienced the same problem and was able to provide William Lam the support bundle of the host that failed the upgrade. After the clean installation, the NVMe disks are recognized. To fix this, perform a clean installation of VMware ESXi 7. My college and fellow vExpert Jesper Alberts encountered the same problem with his Supermicro X9DRL-iF and Samsung 970 EVO MZ-V7E1T0BW NVMe SSD homelab. I Have the following NVMe SSD disks in the hosts: After upgrading my hosts from VMware ESXi 6.7 Update 3 to VMware ESXi 7, the NVMe SSDs are not recognized anymore. My homelab has two hosts (Shuttle SH370R6 Plus and a Shuttle SH370R8 Plus). The first thing I did was upgrading my homelab.