A violent Daedric Prince, Boethiah is known for their enjoyment in the suffering of mortals 15.L'appel de Boéthia (Boéthia) Acquisition : En lisant le livre « l'épreuve de Boéthia » (trouvé de façon aléatoire dans un donjon ou sur un adepte de Boéthia pendant vos voyages) ou en vous rendant directement au sanctuaire de Boéthiaīoethiah is a Daedric Prince of questionable gender who is associated with deceit, betrayal, murder, conspiracy, assassination, treason, etc Boethiah (sometimes spelled Boethia), known as the Prince of Plots, the Dark Warrior, Deceiver of Nations, Queen of Shadows, Goddess of Destruction, Hunger, and Fount of Inspiration, and called Boethra by the Khajiit, is a Daedric Prince who rules over deceit, conspiracy, secret plots of murder, assassination, treason, and unlawful overthrow of authority Boethiah's Champion can be found in the mine. Boethiah or Boethia (in Daedric script,) is the Daedric Prince of deceit, conspiracy, treachery, and sedition who rules over the realm of Attribution's Share and whose sphere is the unlawful overthrow of authority.