Tweaked unity logs to be written to UnityDebug_*.log in logs folder rather than appdata so that they are easier to find.Added Belgian Infantry, Lil' EBR and Acid Trooper item bundles to Stockpile.Added Belgium to curated maps list until May 5th.Revenue from map items and bundles are split 50% to the map team, 30% to Steam and 20% to Unturned. If you'd like to support this team in their creation of future maps you can check out the Belgium item bundles on the Stockpile here: Created by Ben 'Paladin' Hoefer, Ethan 'Cyllek' Brookman, Nathan 'Wolf_Maniac' Zwerka and Nicolas 'Putin3D' Arisi with thanks to Nolan 'Azz', Husky and Noobyfish, Belgium is newly released for exploration! This map features modernized yet medieval cities, beautiful vistas and boating through active waterways.